Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Calculation Ways To Make Money

PTC organizers has actually been budgeted commissions will be paid to the member who has to click on ads that aired on PTC, plus a percentage of the revenue-per-click referral is obtained (usually 50%).

Referral understanding here is that each person you invite to join the PTC you follow with your account name as a sponsor. If the MLM (Multi marketing Level) may be known by the term "downline", but PTC is not a MLM because of only one level only and the PTC are not selling the goods.

To view your potential profit from PTC, let's start calcelation, as follows:

Assumption: you follow the 10 PTC (all regular member it is mean free), an average of ads shown each and every ad shown PTC is four ads per day with pay-per-click $ 0.01.

Then the calculation:

Click your day : $ 0.01 x 4 x 10 PTC ads = 0.4 $ / day

Click on your month : 0.4 $ x 30 = $ 12

Strategies to increase the income reaches 200%, 400%, how will be explained in the next article

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